Should You Invest in Professional Photography For Your Business?

Starting up a business is hard work (I know, I've started two!). You put hours of time into it, but more than that, a heck of a lot of love. Starting a business can also be expensive, and come with many hidden costs. Costs of setting up a limited company (if you've gone down that route), paying for a web designer (if you want to), paying an accountant, taxes. It all adds up. 

Professional photography is another one of those costs, and when you've got so much else to have to deal with, it's easy to understand why so many businesses choose to spend little, or nothing at all on photography. After all, the options are endless: you can do it yourself, or purchase some stock.

I know what you're thinking; "You're biased, Olivia, you're a photographer!" And while it may be true that I am a lover of all things photographic, I'm also a consumer, and I like to think that I know a thing or two about marketing! 

The truth is that every single business, no matter how big or small, or who the customer is, should consider investing in professional photography. Here's why: 

1) A Picture Is Worth 1000 Words: 

You know that feeling when you click a page and there's no pictures, just lots and lots of text, and you get bored and click away? You want to avoid that. Images convey messages, emotions, and feelings to your customers far quicker than words ever could. 

2) We Live In A Visual World: 

Curation is everything now a days. People are so used to seeing beautiful, perfect, polished images on Instagram, Facebook, etc that if they see anything less, they tend to click off. 

3) Word Of Mouth Starts Online:

Word of mouth is still the number one form of marketing, but a lot of word of mouth marketing now starts with the online world! Friends go places, take pretty pictures, share that on Instagram, and that leads to others heading that way. 

4) Your Website Is Your Second Shop Window: 

And if you're an online business, it's your only shop window! We all know that if we walk down a street and see a beautiful window display, it grabs our attention. Beautiful photographs on a beautiful website/Instagram/Facebook page have the very same effect.

5) You Need To Look Professional:

By investing in good quality, beautiful, professional photographs, you immediately look more professional to your customers. They'll take you 100x more seriously! 

6) Consistency is Key: 

You want your branding and imagery to remain consistent. Professional photographers know how to achieve that, and will work with you to ensure a flow with your business. 

7) You'll Save Time:

This is a classic business saying, but if you don't know how to do something, hire someone who can. In my case, I'm useless with numbers, so I've hired an accountant. This saves me time, allows me to put my focus where it's needed, and ultimately, makes me more money in the long run. 

8) You'll Make More Money:

All of the above reasons for investing in professional photography aren't for nothing; they're for you to make more money, and run a successful business. Investing in professional photography may initially be a big investment, but it will be an investment with big reward. 

Would you like to work with me on capturing photos for your business? If so, I'd love to hear from you! Please get in touch via the contact form below. 



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