Life Update | A Puppy Parent Life

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A few days ago, I posted on Instagram that I was missing posting more lifestyle content... content about me, and my life, rather than just helpful/marketing focused content. I love writing that stuff, and I know you guys like it too (I can see from my stats!) but after a while, it can feel like I'm losing myself a bit. 

So, expect to see more posts just like this. Just rambles about life, what we've been up to, with less focus and more photos. 

This one, well, has to be about the main focus of my life right now: Milo.

 I cannot begin to tell you how happy I am that I have these photos - he's grown so much already!

If you don't follow me anywhere but here, then you might not know that just a few weeks ago, Tom and I drove up to Bristol to pick up the first addition to our little family; Milo, a black and white working cocker spaniel. 

To say that he's turned our lives upside down (in a good way!) would be an understatement. I've had dogs my whole life, and so has Tom, but getting your own dog (ie. not having your mum do all the hard work!) is totally different, and no matter how prepared you think you are, you never really are. 

Milo is a beautiful, loving, cuddly, little man. He also has a serious stubborn streak, is too clever for his own good, and his teeth are little razor blades in his mouth! When he looks at me, my heart melts, and I have to try really hard not to give into everything he wants. His howling when I leave him alone literally makes me cry (sometimes) and I didn't realise I could love something so little so much. 

 Milo at 10 weeks

One aspect of getting Milo that I didn't expect was the lovely bonding I've had with other puppy mums, particularly Rebecca from FromRoses, and Jen Carrington, who are also new puppy mums. We all work from home and work for ourselves, and have spent many hours sending each other encouraging messages, or asking each other questions. I feel so lucky to have connected with two other people who "get it" and who I can talk to when things are feeling a bit overwhelming.

Because, actually, getting a puppy is hard. I don't think its talked about enough by the blogging community. Everyone always shares the wonderful, really cute moments. But no one really shares the shitty moments. Like when he's been biting you really hard for an hour and you can't get him to stop and all you want to do is run away. Or when he gets over tired and howls for 45 minutes before finally falling asleep. Or when he gets a tummy ache and has diarrhoea all over your wool carpet (side note: NEVER get a wool carpet in your home. It's a total nightmare). Yes, puppy parenting is not always picture perfect.

 10 weeks... only two weeks different from the first two photos!

However, all the crappy moments are totally outweighed by the wonderful moments. Like when he finally understands sit. Or when he falls asleep in a really funny position. Or when you wake him up in the morning and you've never been greeted so happily ever before. 

We're only 3 weeks into puppy life, and there will be so much more fun and games to come. Of course, I'll continue to share, and take pictures, because oh my god, is he growing fast! 

Have a wonderful week everyone <3


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