My Business Manifesto

The concept of a manifesto is quite new to me. I'll be honest... I didn't really know what a manifesto was until a couple of weeks ago when I took Jen Carrington's "Writing For Dream Clients" e-course. One of our exercises was to write our own business manifesto, and I genuinely had to google what the phrase meant. Blond moment much?!

Either way, I now know what a manifesto is, and I love it! It was a great exercise for me to do, and brought me so much clarity for my business, so I thought I'd share it with you here.

Just in case you're like me, and have no idea what a manifesto is, it's basically a verbal declaration of the intentions, motives or views of an individual. 

So without further ado, here is my business manifesto:

I am a photographer and I value:

1. Calm Over Stress: Stress is the worst. I hate stress more than anything! No one is productive when they're in a stressful environment. No one does their best work when they're feeling stressed out, and I certainly don't either. I thrive in a calm and relaxed environment, so I always do my utmost to maintain a stress free work space. I do that by planning in advance, choosing my team carefully, approaching every situation with calm, and being kind and compassionate to everyone around me, and smiling... a lot. 

2. I believe in feeling inspired above "doing what we think we should.": It's so easy to look around us and think that what is working well for one person, will automatically work for us, too. We could very happily read book after book, watch documentary after documentary, or take course after course, and never tune into what works well for us as individuals. I adore learning from others, and absorbing information, but make sure that above all else, I need to feel inspired, and that what I'm working on works for me. I do not believe in doing something just because everyone else is doing it that way. 

3. Being professional is key: Of course, I approach my work with a calm, happy and compassionate disposition, but professionalism is just as important to me as all of the above. I always have to show up and do my very best work, and no less. If that isn't the case, I need to professionally examine why that isn't the case, and re-evaluate what I can do to improve. 

4. I want connection: I'm not about keeping things surface level. If I work with someone, or on a project, I want to make connection. I'm quite happy to go deep, and have meaningful, impactful conversations. I put all of myself into my work, and the nature of what I do is working with other people, and that deep connection with people I work with is vital to me. 

5. I will always seek more: I believe that there is always room for growth as a professional, as a creative, and as a person. No matter how young or old I get, I will never stop learning, seeking more information, or seeking more creativity. 

6. Doing what works for me: Similar to statement number two, but on a more personal level. I firmly believe that we need to do what works for us. Whether this is living in a city, surrounded by hustle and bustle, being around people who thrill us, then that is fine. However, if what feels right is to live in the countryside, far from a city, in an environment of calm and quiet, then that is what is right. I will always put what works for me before anything else. 

7. To have courage: The courage to go after my dreams, to live my truth and the life that I want, no matter what that may look like. 

There you go, that is my personal business manifesto. 

I'd love for you to write your own. What would your business manifesto be? What is important to you? What do you value above all else? 


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