Photography software that you NEED.

Software that you NEED.

You know, sometimes, there are things that it appears everyone else knows about, but you don't? That was Youtube for me for a long time. I knew Youtube existed, but I was SOOO late to the “vlogger" thing. I didn't know until 2015 that you could subscribe to channels, and that people made regular videos. I don't know how I missed it…but I did.

Well, the same thing happened again recently, with a simple, life changing piece of software that I don't know how I missed.

It's called Chronosync. And it's a game changer.

You probably know all about it, because this software has been around for ages, and all the digi tech's use it (and most photographers) but I've clearly been living under a rock!

Essentially, Chronosync allows you to back up files, and create mirror files at the click of a button. It's how you can ensure that your images are being double backed up when you're shooting tethered. It's how you can keep your back up hard drives easily synced up, and organised.

It's the answer to SO many problems.

I'm not being paid by them at all to tell you this, but if you don't already have a copy of it, you need to go and download it right now. It was about £50 I believe, and has already become a total life saver!

And thank you to Katy DeZellar for telling me about this magical software - It has been life changing.


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