How to Uncover Your Unique Style of Fashion Photography in Under an Hour

You can uncover your unique style of photography in under an hour.

I know it sounds too good to be true, but I promise you, it's THAT simple.

For years, I believed I'd have to slave away, chip away, work hard to figure out what was going to make me a unique photographer. I was going to need to work at it for years to become “known for my thing.”

But in reality, what made me unique was right there all along.

Literally, since I'd been a little kid - it was there.

And it's in you too! It's just buried deep down.

In “Find Your Style," I take you through an exercise that I did myself many years ago that helped me unlock something extraordinary.

I uncovered myself. What made me, me. What made me unique.

And I've used the results of that exercise for every. single. shoot. I've. planned. since.

No joke - it all stems from those 10 minutes that I sat down, with my phone on do not disturb, and focused in.

Every ELLE shoot.

Every Marie Claire Shoot.

Every Harpers Bazaar.

They've ALL come as a result of me uncovering who I am as an artist from this one exercise.

Those 10 minutes had a ripple effect on my career that I couldn't have begun to imagine.

My “Find Your Style” masterclass is available for you to join for just £47.

In under one hour, I'll walk you through a life-changing exercise that can take as little as ten minutes to complete.

Then, using the result of that exercise, you'll come up with three shoot ideas that are unique to you. Not inspired by anything other than your imagination.

THAT is how you build a portfolio of work that excites not just you, but your dream clients, too.

- Olivia


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