How To Stop Being Consumed By Jealousy in Photography

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I'm in Cornwall in right now which is where I lived for 10 years before we moved to be closer to London last year. Cornwall is beautiful, and very well known in the UK as the “holiday destination” of the country. I LOVE Cornwall, and honestly can't see myself living away from here for that long. 

Last night, I was on a sunset beach shoot, and the model was telling me about a very famous photographer who lives nearby. I know who he is, and admire him SO much. His work is absolutely incredible, and he's done very well. So well, that he's been able to move back down to this area, and buy a stunning house with seaviews in one of the most gorgeous parts of the country. Oh, and he still gets to work as a fashion photographer for some of the biggest brands and magazines in the world. 

The dream.

My reaction could have been one of jealousy and despair. I could have had thoughts like:

“How will I ever be that successful?” 

“I'll never be able to shoot for brands like those, and afford a house like that.” 

“If I move away from London again, all my work will just dry up. I'll never be able to move back to Cornwall.” 

That's the kind of reaction that I used to have. I genuinely would have had those thoughts. Instead though, I feel nothing but excitement! The fact that someone else has been that successful at their dream career simply shows me that it is possible

Whenever you see other people being more successful, or living the kind of life that you want to lead, I want you to remind yourself that instead of getting jealous, channel that into excitement. You're seeing proof that what you want to achieve is possible! Flip the script in your head, study what the people you admire have done, study what they are doing, and use that to help fuel your own career. 

One day maybe I'll also have a house with a seaview overlooking my favourite beach. Watch this space ;) 


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