A Thought on Pricing

This is going to be quite a short and sweet one, but I was reading something the other day about pricing, and I knew I had to share it with you.

Pricing photography services is the number one question people approach me about. I get it, because all of us struggle with it, myself included. There isn't a forumla, or a one size fits all approach. We're all working in different markets, for different clients, coming from different backgrounds, with different attachments to money. Its going to make it a difficult thing to work out from the get go!

However, this might help when it comes to undercharging yourself.

The next time a brand approaches you to work with them, and you feel stumped on what to charge, or you feel worried about what your price is - whether that is over pricing, or under charging, I'd like you to do to this.

Take a look at the price of what it is they sell.

Do they sell dresses for £500?

If they do, you'd better not charge them under £500... because honestly, they can get that money back by selling one dress! Your images aren't going to sell them one dress alone, they'll hopefully sell hundreds. Thats the point of a photoshoot.

Now let's say you charged them £2000 (i've picked an easy number btw - I'm not saying you need to charge that). They'd still only need to sell 4 dresses to make back their investment.

I don't know about you, but that puts things into perspective for me.

I really hope that this has helped you when it comes to your pricing mindset, and will hopefully help you to price yourself more competitively, and charge what you're photos are actually worth to your future clients!


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