A Few Of My Favourite Things

I've been having so much lately. Between photoshoots, magazine releases (yay!), and spring creeping in more and more every day, I've been loving life. May is approaching, and that means that it's going to be my birthday. I'll be 24! To me, that sounds really old. I don't feel old though, I don't feel any different to how I did a year ago actually. But then again, do we ever feel older?

I've been loving so many things lately, and I see these sorts of posts creep up occasionally. They're done frequently as "monthly favourites" on Youtube, and they work well there, but I'm certainly no "YouTuber" so you won't be seeing anything like that here. It's been on my mind to put a post together of the things I've been loving for a little while, but I've been unsure as to whether it would be enjoyed by my readers. But one thing I've learnt is that if you don't test something out, you can't know! So here it goes.

Book: I've been reading "How To Get From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be" by Jack Canfield for the past two weeks, and I'm hooked! I found it in my childhood bedroom while I was in Switzerland and thought it sounded interesting. I must have bough it a while back and forgotten about it. Although I'm not finished with it yet, I'm over half way through and I'm reading it extremely quickly. As a slow reader, I find that quite impressive! It's a book based around the 25 principals of success, and although you might consider that to be quite "business-ey" it can be applied to anything in life. It's all about visualisation, goal setting and how to get yourself on your way to your ideal life, and it's written in a really friendly, approachable way. I find many of these kinds of books can feel a bit patronising, or intimidating. This one isn't like that at all. If you like reading non fiction, motivational and aspirational books, I highly recommend this one!

Snapchat: Snapchat is quickly becoming one of my favourite social media platforms! Not necessarily for posting with myself yet (I haven't gathered the courage to film myself talking) but just watching other people. It's great for getting a real life idea of what people get up to in their day to day lives, especially of the people I admire a lot. It's also great fun to morph your face around with all those filters! Add me on Snapchat: oliviabossert

Atlas: You're probably sick to death of hearing me talk about this, but Atlas' new print issue comes out on the 28th of April. I received the magazine yesterday, and I'm so proud of it! If you'd like to get a copy of The Delicate Issue for yourself, you can purchase one at shop.theatlasmagazine.com or keep an eye on our Stockist page to see where it might be available near to you.

Photography: Last weekend, I got a team of talented creatives together and shot my very first bridal editorial. Something I didn't even know was "a thing" until a few months ago, may just have been the shoot I've had the most fun on, ever. Something clicked inside me that day, and it felt like I might just have found exactly what I was meant to have been shooting all along. I've always adored feminine, romantic imagery, so this felt like a dream come true to me. I can't share any of the images yet, because we're hoping to get them published, but keep an eye out because I'll be splashing them ALL over the internet as soon as I can! In the mean time, you can check out my portfolio at oliviabossert.com.

TV: "Made In Chelsea" is back on TV, and being my number one guilty pleasure, I'm loving life! Tom and I recently finished rewatching season 5 of "Game Of Thrones" in anticipation of season 6 starting next week. We are SO excited! I've also recently got into watching "First Dates." I have no idea how I missed this, because apparently it's been on TV for a few years now, but as I'm not a big TV watcher, I never caught on. But oh my goodness, this show fills my heart with happiness! ... Or it makes me feel extremely sad when it doesn't go well!

Fashion: So, you know I went to San Francisco a few weeks ago? Well, obviously while I was there I hit the shops. One of which was Madewell. I'd heard of Madewell a few times before through YouTube and Instagram but I'd never been to one before as it's not available in the UK. Whilst in there, I came across a navy blue jumpsuit which I thought looked gorgeous. I'm not the most adventurous when it comes to my wardrobe, and whenever I've tried on jumpsuits before, they've made me look like a sack of potatoes.... but this one didn't. I "ummed" and "ahhed" for a while, but eventually left it behind as it felt just a bit too expensive to splurge on, especially because I wasn't 100% sure I would actually wear it. WOW did I regret that. I kid you not, I've not been able to stop thinking about it ever since! But hey, the best bit? I went on their site, and it's been reduced by 50% in their sale! Obviously, I bought it.

The annoying part of this story? My jumpsuit arrived on Friday. However, when I opened up the parcel, they'd sent me the wrong one. *Olivia cries and starts to wonder if her and the jumpsuit are just not meant to be.* The crisis has been averted though! I got in touch with Madewell, and they're sorted it out. My jumpsuit is on it's way! I've just got to be a little bit more patient.

What have you been loving lately? I'd love to hear from you in the comments bellow, or you can tweet me @oliviabossert!


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